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Jenna Lyons’ Uncomfortable Experience in Latex Bodysuit at Paris Fashion Week

Jenna Lyons, the past artistic overseer of J.Crew, disclosed an uneasy episode she encountered at a Paris Fashion Week event in September. She went to a gathering facilitated by Usher, donning a latex one-piece designed by Saint Laurent. Although the ensemble garnered much admiration and commendation from fashion aficionados, Lyons stated that the latex attire made her feel akin to a “sexual object.”

In a discussion with The Cut, Lyons conveyed that her initial emotions were of enthusiasm and self-assurance about wearing the garment. Nevertheless, upon her entrance at the soiree, she commenced feeling ill at ease and self-aware. She characterized the latex fabric as “extremely warm” and articulated that it adhered to her epidermis, making her feel vulnerable.

Lyons additionally divulged her constant apprehension about perspiring and the one-piece turning out to be either uneasy or overly revealing. She likened the ordeal to spending time in a steam room, mentioning that she felt as if she were choking and found it difficult to respire.

In spite of her unease, Lyons conceded that the attire was indeed a sartorial declaration and lauded the ingenuity and inventiveness that went into it. She also acknowledged that the realm of fashion frequently involves crossing limits and venturing into the unknown. However, she confessed that she has no plans to don a latex one-piece in the future.

All in all, Lyons’ ordeal underscores the hurdles and forfeits that some people in the fashion sector occasionally endure to craft a striking and influential appearance. While fashion can be exhilarating and metamorphic, it remains crucial to give precedence to ease and individual well-being.

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