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Inside Gary Pratt’s ‘Something Worth Remembering

Inside Gary Pratt’s 'Something Worth Remembering (2)
Photo: Unsplash.com

Genre: Country
Duration: 39:12
Label: MTS Records
Producer: Bryan Cole
Engineer: Doug Kasper

Gary Pratt’s juggernaut album, “Something Worth Remembering,” is a deeply personal journey through the highs and lows of life, wrapped in a country music tapestry that is both heartfelt and authentic. This Pittsburgh-based singer-songwriter, with a career spanning impressive milestones in Nashville and beyond, delves into themes of love, loss, faith, and resilience. Pratt’s narrative is a beautiful testament to his own life experiences, making this album not just a collection of songs, but a living memoir.

The album opens with “You Gotta Jump In,” a vibrant call to embrace life’s challenges with a fearless heart. Pratt’s voice carries a rugged charm, resonating with the honesty of his lyrics. The track sets the tone for an album that weaves traditional country sounds with modern storytelling.

Inside Gary Pratt’s 'Something Worth Remembering

Photo Courtesy: Gary Pratt

“Before Someone Gets Hurt,” written by Larry McCoy, Bart Butler, and Westin Davis, stands out with its candid exploration of love and self-awareness. The poignant lyrics reflect the struggle of balancing personal flaws with the desire to protect a loved one from inevitable heartbreak.  It is the latest in a string of successful hit singles from the album.

“Sounds Like Whiskey To Me” and “When It’s Our Love That’s Lost” continue the introspective journey, with Pratt’s own songwriting shining through. These tracks are infused with the rich, warm tones of classic country, supported by intricate guitar work and steady percussion. The album’s production, handled by Bryan Cole, ensures that each song’s emotional core is highlighted, creating a cohesive and immersive listening experience.

The title track, “Something Worth Remembering,” penned by Tony Arata, captures the essence of the album. It’s a reflective piece that encourages listeners to cherish the meaningful moments in life. Pratt’s delivery is tender and sincere, reminding us of the importance of holding onto the good memories amidst life’s chaos.

“Number One Fan” and “Country To The Bone” showcase Pratt’s ability to blend personal anecdotes with universal themes, making his stories relatable and impactful. The duet “To Find Us” with Savannah Nider, adds a beautiful layer of harmony, illustrating the depth of connection that can be found in shared musical experiences.

The album’s production is polished yet retains an organic feel, allowing the authenticity of Pratt’s voice and the instrumentation to shine through. Doug Kasper’s engineering brings clarity to each track, ensuring that the emotional weight of the lyrics is matched by the sonic quality of the music. The contributions of vocalist Matt Westin add depth and texture, enriching the overall sound of the album.

Other albums listeners may enjoy include Alan Jackson’s “Good Time” – A classic country album that celebrates life’s simple pleasures with heartfelt storytelling; Brad Paisley’s “This Is Country Music”– Paisley’s tribute to the genre, filled with songs that capture the essence of country life; George Strait’s “It Just Comes Natural” – An album that showcases Strait’s effortless delivery and timeless country sound; Miranda Lambert’s “The Weight of These Wings” – A double album exploring personal growth and resilience, with a raw and honest approach; and Blake Shelton’s “Texoma Shore” – A collection of songs reflecting on love, life, and heartland values, delivered with Shelton’s signature charm.

For a deeper dive into country music’s narrative complexity, check out Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit’s “The Nashville Sound.” This album blends personal storytelling with social commentary, offering a rich and thought-provoking listening experience.


Gary Pratt’s “Something Worth Remembering” is a sincere and touching exploration of life’s ups and downs, set to the backdrop of authentic country music. With its heartfelt lyrics, robust production, and memorable melodies, the album scores a solid 85 out of 100. This collection is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates country music’s ability to tell compelling and relatable stories.

For more about Gary Pratt and to stay updated on his music, visit his official website at http://www.garyprattmusic.com and follow him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/garyprattmusic


Published by: Khy Talara

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