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Dhana Bunel’s Tips on How Women Can Practice Self-Empowerment

Dhana Bunel’s Tip on How Women Can Practice Self-Empowerment
Photo Courtesy: Antoine Harrt / MUA: Fabien Paquet / Hair: So Sonee

By: SGG Public Relations

Empowerment unlocks a modern woman’s full potential. It allows her to break free from limitations, both internal and external. She can pursue her goals and dreams without hesitation by believing in her capabilities and worth. This newfound confidence fosters a spirit of self-determination, enabling her to navigate challenges and embrace opportunities that may have previously seemed out of reach.

It’s this confidence and self-acceptance that Dhana Bunel shares on her social media platforms as an influencer. She may have begun by leveraging her experience as a fashion model to share her forward fashion sense with her followers. Eventually, she created a community of women and mothers who view her poise as inspiring. 

“I would like to be a light for those women. They are not alone. We are only human, and we are all the same, flaws included,” Dhana said. 

She sets an example of how women can succeed in various life aspects, whether personal or professional. Here’s how she encourages her community daily. 

Embrace Innovation 

Motherhood is a challenging role for Dhana and many others across the globe. Without an ideal outlet, it can consume them and eat away at their personalities. So when Dhana opened her Instagram account to the public in January 2022, she saw how embracing innovation can pave the way for new opportunities. 

“Doing this, I discovered a whole new world, new people, and a new way to communicate, create, and connect with people around every continent on this planet,” the influencer said. 

On the other hand, she also thought out of the box by developing her catering company, Chez Graze, which offers gourmet and healthy charcuterie boards and tables for different companies and events for people of all ages to enjoy.

Dhana Bunel’s Tip on How Women Can Practice Self-Empowerment

Photo Courtesy: Antoine Harrt / MUA: Fabien Paquet / Hair: So Sonee

Choose Your Battles

Life can throw numerous curve balls and unexpected events. As many come, Dhana advises people to choose their battles wisely so they can focus more on what needs their energy and attention the most. 

“You can complain or just do the work to get to your objectives and dreams in life. You can hit the gym, or you can complain about your body. You can complain about your life or do something to change it!” the influencer said. 

When she felt lost while caring for her son, Dhana thought about reigniting one of her passions to rediscover herself and rebuild her identity. She chose between dancing and fashion, with the latter winning and delighting her followers. 

Uplift Other Women As You Rise 

Chez Graze is more than just a business venture for Dhana. It’s her contribution to encourage society to consume more healthy food and be more environment-conscious to become more sustainable. But most importantly, it’s her avenue to continue uplifting other women. 

Besides adding a “French touch” to the food, Chez Graze hires and works closely with other women and entrepreneurs (including mothers) to help them get back on their feet.

“I want to be able to help other women to become financially independent and successful on their own and to be able to make a difference in this unbalanced world,” Dhana said. 

Some other pieces of valuable advice Dhana offers to women and mothers are to be resilient to explore more opportunities beyond their comfort zone, even if they’re scared, and take accountability for their choices and results, whether good or bad. Her most relevant encouragement is to love themselves wholeheartedly because their uniqueness helps define their identity. 

Dhana’s audience in her social media accounts continues to grow daily, and she constantly comes up with new ways to encourage them so they can take control of their lives and explore new opportunities to make the most out of life. 

Dhana’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dhanabunel/


Published by: Khy Talara

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