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Decoding Celebrity Drama: Life Coach Lena Viktoria Frenzel’s Take on Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber’s Feud

If you’ve been on social media lately, you may have heard about the drama between Selena Gomez and Hailey Beiber. It’s no secret that these two have had some rocky history, particularly when it comes to their relationship with Justin Beiber. As a Gen-Z or Millenial, it’s hard not to be interested in how two mega-stars can feud so publicly. But are you curious to learn about the situation from a different lens?

In this article, we will explore this popular story as seen through the perspective of an experienced Lucid Achievement life coach – taking notice of why we are so drawn into the lives of celebrities and their trolling! Ready your minds; let’s dive deep into understanding important lessons from this pop culture drama.

The people behind the feud

First, let’s talk about the specifics of this drama. Selena Gomez released a song called “Lose You to Love Me,” which many believe is about her past relationship with Justin Beiber. Shortly after the release of the song, Hailey Bieber posted an Instagram story with the song “I’ll Kill You” by Summer Walker playing in the background. Many people assumed that this was a direct response to Selena’s song. 

Here’s the thing – we don’t know for sure what Hailey’s intentions were with that Instagram story. It’s entirely possible that it was just a coincidence or that she was listening to the song without any ill intentions toward Selena. However, it’s also possible that there is some underlying animosity there. This moment led to a string of seemingly endless micro-feuds being analyzed publicly by fans on TikTok and dominating pop culture headlines. 

Lena Viktoria Frenzel, life coach with Lucid Achievement, shares, “First and foremost, it’s important to remember that these are real people with real feelings. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama and forget that. Regardless of their celebrity status, they’re human beings who deserve respect and compassion, even in situations where we may not necessarily agree with their actions. Both sound like sweet girls. I wouldn’t expect that this is their natural behavior.” So what are some of the factors contributing to the mess? 

A constant competition 

Lena Viktoria Frenzel shares, “Have you ever noticed that subtle twinge of unease when meeting another woman for the first time? It’s almost as if there’s an invisible tug-of-war going on beneath the pleasantries, and we can’t help but size each other up. This is the quiet reality of internalized sexism, where we as women unconsciously view each other as competition.” Internalized sexism is the process by which individuals internalize the gender roles and expectations in their society, often resulting in individuals conforming to and perpetuating these norms. 

It’s a strange thought, isn’t it, like an insidious infection we unknowingly picked up along the way? Yet, in a world where we’ve fought hard to claim our space and be seen as equals, we tend to overlook this hidden challenge we face. Sure, competition can be healthy in some contexts. But when it gets ugly, why do we engage in this constant game of comparison, and how do we break free? The answer lies in becoming aware of our self-sabotaging behaviors and re-evaluating our relationships with one another. Understanding and addressing internalized sexism can foster a culture of support and empowerment rather than rivalry and strife.

“Wouldn’t it be amazing to enter a room full of women and experience a sense of sisterhood? Let’s work towards that, one connection at a time.”

The scarcity mindset 

“As women, we’ve been taught to constantly critique ourselves, sizing up our achievements or looks against those of our peers or even celebrities. We’re hardwired to this never-ending game of one-upmanship, where we must outdo ourselves and everyone else to claim that elusive “top prize.” 

Wrapped up in this scarcity mindset, we become entirely consumed by the idea that there’s not enough to go around; that only the ones who claw their way to the top deserve happiness and success. And what’s the prize at the end, a man? Justin Bieber? 

Who benefits? 

As Lena Viktoria Frenzel states, “When women compete with each other, they often reinforce negative stereotypes and perpetuate societal norms that work against their collective interests. Instead of collaborating and supporting one another, women can become preoccupied with proving their superiority or achieving individual success, which can create divisions and diminish solidarity. This can be particularly detrimental to advancing women’s rights because it weakens the power and influence of women as a whole.”  

In addition, when women are focused on competing with each other, they may overlook the systemic barriers that prevent gender equality, allowing these barriers to remain in place. Ultimately, this can lead to men benefiting from the disunity among women as they continue to occupy positions of power and influence. 

To truly advance women’s rights, it is essential for women to support and uplift one another, work together to challenge discriminatory norms and practices, and demand equal treatment and opportunities for all women. Just imagine what we could achieve if we were to channel all that wasted energy into working together, uplifting one another, and sharing the greatness within us. 

Consciously breaking the cycle.

Breaking the cycle of seeking validation from external sources and embracing our inner beauty is a powerful act of self-love. Imagine a world where we recognize that others’ opinions or superficial standards don’t determine our worth. 

“When we begin to acknowledge the beauty that lies within, we send a powerful message to ourselves and those around us: we are enough.”

In this process, we realize that beauty isn’t a singular or exclusive concept; it can coexist harmoniously in myriad forms. Embracing both our outer and inner beauty invites a sense of balance, allowing space for authentic connections and genuine appreciation of our unique magnificence in this vast, diverse world. As we journey towards this shift, curiosity and creativity, pave the way for a more relatable, interesting, and accessible understanding of what it truly means to be beautiful.

Focus on what really matters.

When women acknowledge the beauty in themselves and each other, they engage in self-love and empower themselves to focus on what matters. This allows us to prioritize our mental, emotional, and physical well-being rather than striving for an unattainable ideal. Furthermore, when we coexist with each other’s beauty, we create a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and promotes confidence and self-esteem. This enables us to channel our energy towards more meaningful pursuits, such as achieving our goals, advocating for our rights, and positively contributing to society. 

In conclusion, the drama between Selena Gomez and Hailey Beiber is a reminder that even celebrities aren’t immune to the complexities of human relationships and subconscious thinking patterns. However, as outsiders looking in, it’s essential to approach these situations with empathy and understanding. 

Learn more about the Lucid Achievement life coaching approach via their website.

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