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Why Hollywood Stars Book Anastasia Ori’s Dance Show

Why Hollywood Stars Book Anastasia Ori's Dance Show
Photo Courtesy: Anastasia Ori

Anastasia Ori, a world champion in oriental dance, has become a true sensation in Hollywood. Her vibrant and mesmerizing shows are hugely popular among celebrities, and here’s why.

Anastasia’s Success Story

Anastasia Ori came to Los Angeles at the invitation of a close friend to participate in the “Miss Russian LA” beauty contest. One of the stages was a creative contest where Anastasia performed an oriental dance. Her performance created a sensation among the audience and the jury, which included stars of American cinema and celebrities. Anastasia won a prize and received an offer to sign a contract with an agency, marking the beginning of her starry path in the USA.

Collaboration with Stars

Typically, agencies handle the organization of performances for stars, but there are cases when celebrities contact Anastasia directly. For instance, late last year, the famous Arab musician Massari personally invited Anastasia and her team to perform at his wedding. Such orders underline the high level of trust and recognition of Anastasia’s talent in the show-business world.

Creative Approach and Inspiration

Anastasia admits that she is inspired by her clients, each of whom comes with their unique vision. She tries to clarify as many details as possible to please each client. She also draws inspiration from nature, which, in her words, is the best creator of perfect combinations of colors and forms.

Costume Creation

The process of creating costumes for performances takes 4-5 months and includes all stages from sketch to choosing fabrics and trimmings. Anastasia uses only the best materials such as silk, velvet, and lace to create true works of art.

Impression on the Audience

Each of Anastasia’s performances evokes a storm of emotions among the audience. When her team enters the room, people immediately take out their phones to capture the event. Beautiful costumes and graceful dancers create a festive atmosphere and are the highlight of any event.

Variety of Events

Anastasia and her team often participate in various events such as henna parties—noisy, colorful pre-wedding parties, and large celebrations like birthdays in Las Vegas. Each of these events is memorable for its unique energy and cultural flair.

High Quality of Work

Anastasia always puts the quality of work first. She carefully thinks through all the details, demands organization from the dancers, and seeks new ideas and inspiration. A personalized approach to each client and attention to their requests are the keys to the success of her shows.

Energy and Passion

For Anastasia, it’s important not only the technical execution but also the energy she invests in her work. She gives her all, pouring her soul into each performance. Her love for her craft and genuine attachment to each client and dancer allow her to reach heights in her career.

Future Plans

Anastasia doesn’t like to talk much about her plans but has revealed a bit about her future. She plans to scale her activities and work at the state level with different cities in Los Angeles County.

Anastasia Ori’s dance show is not just a performance; it’s true art that captivates hearts and leaves unforgettable impressions. This is why Hollywood stars choose her show for their events.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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