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HOTWORX Infrared Exercise For Stress Relief

HOTWORX Infrared Exercise For Stress Relief
Photo: Unsplash.com

Using Infrared Exercise for Stress Relief

Think back to how great you felt the last time you worked up a good sweat. Part of it is the experience of knowing you’re working hard to improve your health. However, there’s just something inherently relaxing about the experience. A form of exercise called infrared exercise can specifically target this relaxation-promoting element.

Infrared Exercise Helps in Many Different Ways

Infrared exercise is, as the name suggests, when you use infrared light to supercharge your fitness routine. You can think of it like supplements that help you get more out of your workouts. The infrared heat penetrates deeper into the body to help you work up a good sweat. Just like when you “feel the burn” in a heavy workout, your body reacts to the heat in a variety of beneficial ways. Most of these are related to the fact that the heat gets under your skin in a way that no other method can.

For example, think about how when you have stiff or sore muscles, you might use a heating pad. Now imagine how much more effective that would be if the heat could be sent right into the painful muscle. The end effect is that people tend to experience increased circulation and muscle relaxation through infrared heat. It’s like a heating pad, sauna, and massage all in one. Those benefits feed into a larger-scale advantage of relaxation and positivity.

Infrared Exercise Can Lower Stress and Promote Relaxation

Think back to all the points covered so far. You’ve seen that infrared heat can mix and match the benefits of a wide variety of uplifting experiences. You get the benefits of exercise, massages, saunas, heat pads, and more. And most of those are experienced at a level far better than you’d find from the traditional forms. The heat gets right to your sore muscles and circulatory system to ensure you feel the heat in the best possible way. And just as it works more effectively on a physical level, so does it work more effectively on an emotional level.

The relaxing effects can be taken even further if you concentrate on exercise whose purpose is mindfulness, focus, and relaxation. Yoga in particular is an especially powerful element to mix with infrared heat. You can experience the warmth coming in from the environment along with the calm coming from within through yoga. However, this same principle applies to a variety of workouts.

The Continual Growth of Infrared Fitness

One of the most impressive things about infrared fitness is how new it is. Both the technology and implementation are fairly new which means continual innovation and expansion is going on. There are only so many ways to, for example, lift a weight. But the ways infrared heat can aid fitness and relaxation alike is an iceberg people are only seeing the surface of. There are new ideas in the works, new implementations, and innovative new conceptions making their way across the world.


Published By: Aize Perez

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