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Hit N Move: Gear Crafted by Fighters, for Fighters

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Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

By: Joah Faiello

A Passion for Boxing

In the world of boxing, gear can make all the difference. No one understands this better than Ozhan Akcakaya, the founder and CEO of Hit N Move. Born in Türkiye and now thriving in the United States, Ozhan’s journey is a testament to his passion for boxing and his unwavering commitment to the sport. Hit N Move is not just a company; it’s a labor of love, created by a fighter who truly understands what boxers need.

From Pharmaceuticals to the Boxing Ring

Ozhan’s love for boxing is more than a hobby—it’s a lifelong passion. He started boxing after moving to the U.S. in 2012, bringing with him a background in soccer. Quickly falling in love with the sport, he trained hard and even won the Boston Masters Champion title in the amateur circuit. Despite his successful career in the pharmaceutical industry, where he was recognized as the successful salesperson in the U.S. seven times, boxing remained his true calling.

Birth of Hit N Move

Hit N Move was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when Ozhan saw an opportunity to create something new. Frustrated with the lack of quality and innovation in boxing gear, he decided to make his own. Ozhan didn’t start Hit N Move to make money—he was already successful in pharmaceuticals. Instead, he wanted to design gear that met his high standards, gear that he and other fighters truly needed.

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Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Innovative Gear for Fighters

Ozhan’s approach to creating boxing gear is hands-on and deeply personal. He uses his gear daily, constantly testing and improving it based on his own experiences in the ring. Most of his ideas come during or after sparring sessions. This real-world testing and feedback ensure that Hit N Move products are not only practical but also innovative.

Among their standout products are the DR-T padding, which enhances punch momentum with its aerodynamic design, and the All Day+ 24oz gloves, crafted to be the same size as most 16oz gloves, offering superior protection without sacrificing speed. The Turtle mitts provide excellent control and feedback for trainers. Ozhan has also introduced traditional but modern horsehair gloves and the latest Air Armor Precision headgear, which offers advanced protection and comfort. These innovations reflect Ozhan’s commitment to quality and performance, ensuring fighters have the premier gear available.

Sparring and Family Life

Ozhan’s dedication to boxing extends beyond the gear. He still loves to spar with friends in Virginia, savoring every moment in the ring. After sparring, he enjoys going home to his wife, Alaina, and their child. Alaina, who is the VP of Public Relations at Hit N Move, plays a crucial role in promoting the brand and its mission.

Hit N Move Gear Crafted by Fighters, for Fighters

Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Staying True to His Vision

Despite numerous offers from investors, Ozhan has chosen to keep Hit N Move self-funded. This decision allows him to maintain full control over the company and prioritize the needs of fighters. “I don’t wake up in the morning to answer to investors,” Ozhan says. “I’m a boxer and sparring partner to good fighters. My happiest moments are when I spar with my friends or hit the bags and then spend time with my family.”

A Lasting Impact on Boxing

Ozhan’s story is one of passion and dedication. His journey from Türkiye to the U.S., his achievements in both the pharmaceutical industry and boxing, and his deep love for the sport all come together in Hit N Move. Through his company, Ozhan is making a lasting impact on the boxing community, one innovative product at a time.

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Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Giving Back to the Sport

For Ozhan, Hit N Move is more than just a business. It’s a way to give back to the sport he loves and to ensure that fighters have the premier gear possible. His hands-on approach, combined with a genuine understanding of what fighters need, makes Hit N Move a trusted name in boxing gear. Ozhan Akcakaya’s dedication to boxing and his commitment to innovation are helping shape the future of the sport, one piece of gear at a time.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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